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Legalizing Prostitution...should it be???

Hy, Pals!
Nice to see you again in my newest posting after long time I can’t exist in my blog...^.^
So sorry for you that always waiting for my new post yaa..=)
In this time, I want you to think and give your opinion about my post..=)
Let us talk about prostitution and human trafficking....^o^
Actually, we can’t separate both of that things. They are inextricably linked. So, we should be clear that we have to talk about both prostitution and trafficking togather. Prostitution anf trafficking begin with the demand for victimas to be used in prostitution. It begins when men go in search of sex that can be purchased. In countries where prostitution is illegal, it begins when pimps place orders with their criminal networks for women and children. In countries where prostitution is legal, it begins when brothels places job ads with government employment agencies. For example in Czech Republic that being a destination country for Western European sex tourists. It estimate that 65 percent of men who buy sex acts there are foreigners.
Over the past decade, the most popular proposed solution is legalization of prostitution to reduce and eliminate street prostitution. But, in fact, legalization does not reduce prostitution or trafficking. Both activities increase because men can legally buy sex acts and pimps and brothels keepers can legally sell and profit from them.  
There are four components that make – up the demand: 1) the men who buy commercial sex acts, 2) the exploiters who make up the sex industry, 3) the states that are destination countries, 4) the culture that tolerates or promotes sexual exploitation. We should also open our mind that the women who join that prostitution have their own reason. Most of them are because of economical reason.
Many people did not agree with the legalization of prostitution. Because it actually increase the victims. We could greatly reduce the number of victims, if the demand for them was penalized. If there were no men seeking to buy sex acts, no women and children would be bought and sold. If there were no  states that profited from the sex trade, there would be no regulation that facilitated the flow of women from poor towns to wealtheir sex industry centers.
To build up your mind I will give a little explanation about ther reason for legalize and not legalize prostitution.
Three reason to legalize Prostitution which are: 1) It’s safer for both the prostitutes and their costumers. If it’s legal, the prostitutes don’t have to be on the streets, don’t have to risk meeting customers in dark alleys or other non-safe place. 2) We can tax it and getting more revenue in. 3) Sexual activities are a natural component of life. There are people who can rarely get it through means other than prostitution-people who are severely disable, for example.
10 Reason for NOT legalizing prostitution by Janice G. Raymond are 1) legalization/descriminalization of prostitution is a gift to pimps traffickers and the sex industry, 2) legalization of prostitution and the sex industry promotes sex trafficing, 3) it does not control the sx industry but expands it, 4) it increase clandestine,hidden, illegal, and street prostitution, 5) increase child prostitutions, 6) does not protect the women in prostitution, 7) increase the demand of prostitution, 8) does not promote women healt, 9) does not enhance women’s choice, 10) women in system of prostitution do not want the sex industry legalized.
So, by looking for that all reason, what do you think? How is your way to make it better? What opinion that come in your mind about prostitution and trafficking it self?
For me, there are many ways to reduce prostitution, if all people working togather and have awareness also pay attention for it.
I’m waiting for you comment....^.^


  1. Legalize it is not the answer. Why ? tax collection is more difficult, more young generation will be jump to this industries, and then how to control women exploitation ?
    The best thing to do is give them legal jobs and protect women and children from sexual abuse.
    One mosque in surabaya, placed in red-district, they ask prostitute people to come to "pengajian", and sometime give them a free-training, and buy old-prostituion-house.


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