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This is my new posting on my new blog....
I want you to read it carefully and don’t forget to give comment...

Boys and Girls...
Have you ever have such as a silly experience??? ( or,.are you silly??? Hehehe...)
It just my experience about foreigners Pals!! Sometimes we do a silly thing when we meet foreigners, right? But, I’m sure...meeting with foreigners is one of wonderfull experience that we have ever had....right?
If you thing so...I just give you one word.....”.....NDESOOO...”....=p
Be wise boys and girls...hohoho...=)
a study to bridge two cultures or customs between countries or even just different place that have different culture ( in Indonesia maybe different island...), which aims to gain an understanding of cultural differences and customs of that different place.

Well, this knowledge is necessary for us who want to study abroad, or want to work, even just a trip .What the point? yes to avoid missunderstanding,. And most importantly to minimize cultural shock fitting out the first time ... hehe .... It will be better for us to know more first before we go or visit somewhere.....
Now, see my story yaa..=)
My experience happen when I’m in the second grade of junior high school... I was child, hate English, like to play with boy ( but not playboy...lhah???!!).
Our school went to Bali at that time to fill the mid semester activities (if I’m not mistake..)..And the story begin....(jrrenkk...jrrenkk..jrrenk.......*sound effect...)
Me and my friends walked a long Tanah Lot...( for your information, all of us can’t speak English and absolutely deeply sorry hate that languange at that time )
We met a foreigner...a tall man,..white skin..curly brown hair..( but not handsome..sorry for that..)
He walked to us...looked at deep...
he came...step by step...came and stand..near us..
My friend: Hey..aku wedi...( javanese language)
Me: aku iyo..
My friend: mau apa yaa dek'e?
Me: mbuh..meneng we lah..
My friend: Coba ngobrol yuk..
me: he?
Foreigner (F) : hello....
My friend (MF) : Hy..
F: may I know where is the great place to take a picture here..may you be my guide?
MF: No's not's april..
F: No, I mean...will u be my guide to see and walking around this place?
MF, Me: Yes...yess....
F: So, lets go..
me: where?
F: going around..
MF: NO,..we ndak mau nonkgrong with you..
me: ???
MF n Me: mlayuuuuuuuu...........

so shy ro remember that....
English,.is least..we can we can understand little bit..when we meet foreigners.....
language, is the most importand things to having communication with people...
hope you enjoy that...
let's learn more bout CCU..=)


  1. funny...^-^
    that's a great experience and inspiring you to learn english right???

    hahai....Experience is the best teacher...^-^

  2. funny's story guys..... :D
    I'am agree with you about how the important of English, at least we can understand what they are speak about.
    And after read your statement in the top of this story "I want you to read it carefully and don’t forget to give comment...
    It’s ASSIGNMENT..."
    I must do this for safety in class :D

  3. hahhaa,,, so ndeso so (dulu):D
    yaa,, me too, but we can use our gesture to show the meaning or using another way to say something,,
    and the pronunciation is important, when I said "Wednesday" to a foreigner, he didn't understand, and I tried to use another way "hmm.. the day after Tuesday" and he said "ohhh ((Wednesday)) (just omit the 'D' ---> Wensday'"
    hahhaaa... that is Fun...
    Let's speak in English.. break the grammar and use our Gesture.. :)


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kali ini.. saya akan berbahasa Indonesia dulu ya teman.. karena.. posting kali ini sedikit "berat"... hohoho.... Pals!! pernah kah kita berpikir bahwa...Guru adalah awal pembentuk stereotype dalam benak siswa? Try to remember Pals!! let's do little bit flashback about almost 15 years ago maybe.. waktu jaman2 kita masih ungusan..#SD (red)... In our first grade.. guru meminta kita menggambar PEMANDANGAN...dan beliau memberi contoh.. beliau menggambar 2 buat segitiga yang digandeng (a.k.a gunung)..dua garis berkelok - kelok (a.k.a. jalan)..sebuah segitiga di atas persegi ( a.k.a. rumah )..dan banyak tanda centang (v) yang disebut sawah... right??? so,.what happen? selama bertahun - tahun berikutnya jika kita diminta menggambar dengan tema "pemandangan"..yang terlintas di benak kita adalah..gunung, sawah, rumah, dan jalan berkelok..... karena itulah stereotype tentang "pemandangan" yang ditanamkan guru kita.. apakah pemandangan hanya sebat...
Persahabatan itu seperti ini... 7 years.. dalam suka dan duka.. >.< NONATAYA foreva..;D


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