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Racism VS Human Right

What do you think about that title Pals?
...............................................(comment yaa..=D)

racism is happen in Indonesia..
I'm sure that all you have already know about the meaning of Racism...
In a simple way..
I can say that racism is like a thinking that our is the best and the other is a bad things that sometimes in a negative thinker, if something that happen is not same with what they should be banned...
with that simple meaning...
I would like to share something about Racism.....

Racial violence has become a common phenomenon in Indonesia. In 1998 women of Chinese descend were targeted for rape, the rest of the ethnic Chinese community for assault, looting, and murder. Such atrocities occurred in major cities such as Medan, Makassar, Jakarta and Solo. Racial riots occurred also between the Dayaks, Malays and Madura in Kalimantan in 1997. More recently in Maluku, mass-killings occurred between civilians belonging to two different religious groups.
Those tragedy show that at that time the government and also the society did not aware enough with the Human Right issues...
By the time..
many people aware and realize that every people have their own believe, they have their own live...
Specific attention should be given to the resolution and prevention of racial conflict, as well as to the prosecution of those who have initiated and incited racial conflict. Furthermore, the Indonesian government should refrain from interfering in religious affairs. Only after these issues have been resolved, reconciliation and the establishment of a peaceful society free of terror, violence and human rights violence can be established in Indonesia. 
 However, we are glad that President Gus Dur has finally eliminated one of the regulations by Presidential Decree, even if this is far from being adequate. 
That's a little things that I can share to you..
The main point is, we must be aware with our environment, and be wise for every people judgment..=)


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kali ini.. saya akan berbahasa Indonesia dulu ya teman.. karena.. posting kali ini sedikit "berat"... hohoho.... Pals!! pernah kah kita berpikir bahwa...Guru adalah awal pembentuk stereotype dalam benak siswa? Try to remember Pals!! let's do little bit flashback about almost 15 years ago maybe.. waktu jaman2 kita masih ungusan..#SD (red)... In our first grade.. guru meminta kita menggambar PEMANDANGAN...dan beliau memberi contoh.. beliau menggambar 2 buat segitiga yang digandeng (a.k.a gunung)..dua garis berkelok - kelok (a.k.a. jalan)..sebuah segitiga di atas persegi ( a.k.a. rumah )..dan banyak tanda centang (v) yang disebut sawah... right??? so,.what happen? selama bertahun - tahun berikutnya jika kita diminta menggambar dengan tema "pemandangan"..yang terlintas di benak kita adalah..gunung, sawah, rumah, dan jalan berkelok..... karena itulah stereotype tentang "pemandangan" yang ditanamkan guru kita.. apakah pemandangan hanya sebat...
Persahabatan itu seperti ini... 7 years.. dalam suka dan duka.. >.< NONATAYA foreva..;D


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