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Meet and Greet CCU Class^^

Hello Pals!!
Meet me again in my new post...
In this opportunity, I want to share to you about what I have got in my last Wednesday meeting with a foreigner.
Her name is Kirrilly, she came from Canberra Australia. At the first time I know that she came from Australia I was so excited because i do really want to go there to continue my magister programme one day...that’s my dream....
She tell us a lot about her country and at that time there are alot of questions and answer happen between Kirrilly and the audience ( which is me and my friends ).
Some information that I’ve already got from her about Australia are:
  • There is no special culture, no special food, no special clothes there like what we have in Indonesia. Because Australia is a mixed culture. To many people from many places live there. But, actually, Australia has Aborigin people as their tradional one but their relationship is not god enough.
  • In Australia, many people learn about Indonesian, Spanish, and Japanesse
  • The people is almost same with Indonesian people so is not so hard to Kirrilly to having adaptation with those kind of people.
  • The public schools in Australia are free payment...the government pay for all the citizen so the students who want to study in a public schools must not pay anything..=) ( I wonder that happen in day..=)
  • Some schools in Australia has Learning Indonesian Culture as their subject. It happen because Indonesia is the Australia nearest neighbour. So learning about Indonesia is important for the next relationship in the future.
  • Kangoroo in Australia can freely walking on the street....^.^
  • Another special animal in Australia are Koala, Tasmania Devil, Birds, and Wombat ( Like a landak in Indonesia )
  • In Canberra there is no beach but river
  • The weather in Australia is so hot the temperature is until 40˚C and when it cold the temperature is just about -5˚C
  • The public transportation there is so expensive and you should wait about 1,5 hours to catch the Bus
  • In Australia, there is only one market that you can bargain, Electronic Market ( How about Indonesia??? =p )
And now, I also want to share little bit about Kirrilly:
  • She is so beautiful and friendly..=)
  • She like rendang
  • She come to Indonesia to learn directly about Indonesian Language
  • She really like wearing Batik ( she told us that she buy a lot of Batik here..)
  • The most difficult things to when she learn Indonesian Language is the grammar. ( It just the same with me when I learn English)
  • She’s got culture schock when she heard “Adzan” ( the big voice from the mosque) until she can’t sleep..(hihihihihi.....)
That’s some that I’ve got from my meeting with the guest....
Hopefully it can open our mind to prepare our self to go to Australia...


  1. Good Post Frend ,,,,,

    pengalaman yg sngat mnarik dpat blajar kbudayaan ngra lain ,,,
    membuat kita dapt lbih luas mnganl kbudayaan dnia ne (hahahag ,,,,,, Alay sngat ) .....


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kali ini.. saya akan berbahasa Indonesia dulu ya teman.. karena.. posting kali ini sedikit "berat"... hohoho.... Pals!! pernah kah kita berpikir bahwa...Guru adalah awal pembentuk stereotype dalam benak siswa? Try to remember Pals!! let's do little bit flashback about almost 15 years ago maybe.. waktu jaman2 kita masih ungusan..#SD (red)... In our first grade.. guru meminta kita menggambar PEMANDANGAN...dan beliau memberi contoh.. beliau menggambar 2 buat segitiga yang digandeng (a.k.a gunung)..dua garis berkelok - kelok (a.k.a. jalan)..sebuah segitiga di atas persegi ( a.k.a. rumah )..dan banyak tanda centang (v) yang disebut sawah... right??? so,.what happen? selama bertahun - tahun berikutnya jika kita diminta menggambar dengan tema "pemandangan"..yang terlintas di benak kita adalah..gunung, sawah, rumah, dan jalan berkelok..... karena itulah stereotype tentang "pemandangan" yang ditanamkan guru kita.. apakah pemandangan hanya sebat...
Persahabatan itu seperti ini... 7 years.. dalam suka dan duka.. >.< NONATAYA foreva..;D


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