LEGALIZE PROSTITUTION...Should it be? Hy, Pals! Nice to see you again in my newest posting after long time I can’t exist in my blog...^.^ So sorry for you that always waiting for my new post yaa..=) OK,. In this time, I want you to think and give your opinion about my post..=) Let us talk about prostitution and human trafficking....^o^ Actually, we can’t separate both of that things. They are inextricably linked. So, we should be clear that we have to talk about both prostitution and trafficking togather. Prostitution anf trafficking begin with the demand for victimas to be used in prostitution. It begins when men go in search of sex that can be purchased. In countries where prostitution is illegal, it begins when pimps place orders with their criminal networks for women and children. In countries where prostitution is legal, it begins when brothels places job ads with government employment agencies. For example in Czech Republic that being a destination country for Wes...